About us

OAK Semiconductor Limited is a global distributor of electronic components dedicated to providing contract manufacturers and OEMs with factory-direct and franchised electronic components they need to build vital technologies for consumer electronics , test/measurement, healthcare, gaming, and general industry.

We're able to help our customers maintain EOL (end of life) production schedules because we regularly schedule large orders of components, direct from the manufacturer, for warehousing throughout our global network of warehouses. We're the preferred vendor for many high-profile OEMs and CMs, but we are versatile enough to offer the same services to our smaller customers. In addition to holding franchise agreements with an ever-increasing number of manufacturers, OAK has significant purchasing power to buy direct from all but a few of the major semiconductor manufacturers through the strategic partnerships we've developed.

OAK Semiconductor Limited also employs a dynamic product team whose sole responsibility is to monitor our customers most used products. As our product team sees manufacturers' lead times begin to increase, or as products approach obsolescence and end-of-life the make strated IC buys to ensure these products remain available to our customers when they need them most.

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